Wednesday, May 13, 2009

GAME ON - Opening Day 2009

Greetings All Players & Fans, Another winter under our belt (forget about the notch position)!It's spring and that means Baseball! or as we say in Hooterville bassaball!

This is the first 2009 communication on the blog for Winnies Field! I've seen a number of you over the non-season, as usual for various reasons. Sadly, we ended up together at funerals and Uncle Joe's was one that really hit home for me. The youngest brother of the Sweeney clan, and wasn't he the most loved by all the nephews and nieces! What else can I say? So, this season will be dedicated to Uncle Joe!

Speaking of dedication: Y'all didn't know it but the baseball writers and observers (beer drinkers) have painstakingly crunched the statistics and come up with a Winnie's Field MVP for 2008! I know there where limited games/ statistics but the judges (me and Karen) came to an unanimous decision. Ta Da: All around athlete, super mom, ultra dedicated to causes for community and family, can pitch, hit, take a hit, & run (she does marathons!!) makes 20-year-olds look lethargic, and roots for the Red Sox's (that was the only bone of contention with the judges--well, one of them anyway!) is an example for all players and family to emulate: Sheila Oakes!

Despite a crippling shot off the bat of #NONAMEPLAYER in the 1st inning of an opener, to pitcher Oake's ankle/foot, the veteran Oakes/ Matriarch remained in the game and batted a couple of RBIs!! She required months of rehab and therapy, and still played in a couple of mid season critical games. Manager Russ Oakes deemed an off season of sun and R & R in proximity of the Red Sox's winter/ spring training facility was just what the MVP needed. Good move Russ!

MVP OAKES returned to CT in time for the annual Easter Breakfasts, hosted by Eileen & Charlie on Long Hill Rd.! I had an opportunity to talk to the MVP over jelly donuts: "So Sheila, given the shot you took in 08, can you still be a force on the mound or in the field in 09?"

She responded: " see the mark on my ankle, that's a badge of courage...won't stop me, and besides, I'm wearing shin pads this I'm fearless, besides being indestructible!" Wow!!....oh, ah, give me another Cream! That's MVP material if I've ever heard it!!!

We're going to talk to Sheila at the award ceremony this opening day, May 16th at 3PM, 1500 for you organized folks!!

Looking forward to seeing you !

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